Welcome to the Center for Community Action and Research blog! This will be a place where you can find information on not only CCAR events at Pace University, but also on ways you can get involved from wherever you are. We will post tips and resources on service and civic engagement and introduce you to the non-profits, faculty, staff, and students that inspire us.
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#everydayactivismchallenge #pacevotes active citizenship activism advocacy alternative spring break animals ASB13 asb14 asb15 asb16 asb18 awareness ccar ccarplv Civic Engagement Community Service Earth Month election 2012 election 2016 environment events Make a Difference Day march for our lives nyc Pace university PaceVotes2020 pleasantville PLV political engagement politics project pericles semester recap service Social Justice spotlight student reflections superstorm sandy Take Action volunteer volunteering vote vote everywhere voter registration voting