Volunteer Spotlight: Elizabeth Pooran ’16
Elizabeth Pooran is a graduating senior at Pace whose passion for education and making a difference has influenced nearly every aspect of her undergraduate career. She has completed a Wilson Center Funded Internship with Senior Planet, which became an ongoing…
Volunteer Spotlight: Angelica Fabian ’17
Angelica Fabian is an Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communications and Arts & Entertainment Management double major, a Pace Spirit Ambassador, and President of the National Residence Hall Honorary among her many other roles on campus. Even with her many commitments,…
Ecuador and Japan Earthquake Relief
On Saturday, April 16th, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the coast of Ecuador; meanwhile, between Thursday and Sunday, Japan’s Kyushu region was struck by three deadly earthquakes. More than 200 people have died in Ecuador, and the death toll from…
Volunteer Spotlight: Cesar Ballesteros ’18
On campus, Cesar Ballesteros is a pre-med Biology major, VP of the Minority Association of Pre-Health Students, Event Coordinator for Pace Alliance Française, a member of Student Leaders in Service – and now one of the co-founding members of Pace’s…
Activist Spotlight: Cristian Abbrancati ’17
Our first activist spotlight for April is Cristian Abbrancati, founder and content creator of the A-Z Campaign. The mission of the campaign is to “create a Brave Space[…] where people from different walks of life come together to share experiences…
Student Service Spotlight: Jordan White
“Do more hands on service.” Jordan White pulls no punches when it comes to her advice to her fellow Pace students. Getting more involved on campus is what made her “become the person I am today.” Jordan has a track…
Dr. Sue Maxam on Her #EverydayActivism Challenge
This month for CCAR’s Everyday Activism initiative, I have decided to become a vegetarian 5 days a week! This will speak to my passion for the ethical treatment of animals, my commitment to a more sustainable environment, and my desire…
#EverydayActivism Feature: Caitlin Boley ’16
For my #EverydayActivism Challenge, I’ve chosen to become vegetarian for the month of April. For the past several months, I’ve been committing myself to eating less meat. I’m currently restricted to one meal with meat at most daily; many days…