Meet Caitlin Boley & Natasha Bynum!

The CCAR on the New York City campus is excited to introduce our two new student staffers, Caitlin and Natasha! Get to know a little more about each of them below, and if you see them in the office, be sure to stop in and say hello!

Caitlin: Student Outreach & Media Projects Coordinator

cbblogHello! My name is Caitlin Boley, and I’m a junior here at Pace University’s New York City campus. I’ve just begun my position of Student Outreach and Media Projects Coordinator at the Center for Community Action & Research, and I am quite thrilled about the opportunity. I have two majors, one being Political Science and the other being Philosophy & Religious Studies. As a PoliSci major, I am very passionate about the work we’re doing and issues we’re exploring at the CCAR. They are of utmost importance, and I can’t wait to help spread the word about them to the Pace community!

Natasha: Student Volunteer & Advocacy Projects Coordinator

natashablogHi everyone! My name is Natasha Bynum and I am a freshman at Pace University’s New York City campus. I am a new addition to the Center for Community Action & Research team, with the position of Student Volunteer and Advocacy Projects Coordinator. I am interested in studying Political Science, and with that, excited to get involved in making the larger community of New York City a better place with the help of my fellow Pace students!