Take Action! on the Keystone XL Pipeline for #PaceEarthMonth
Have you heard of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline? It’s the center of a five-year battle between energy groups and environmental activists that will soon be coming to an end as the government works toward a decision. We want you to be informed and Take Action! today to make your opinion heard!
About the Pipeline
According to the Keystone XL website, the pipeline is:
a proposed 1,179-mile (1,897 km), 36-inch-diameter crude oil pipeline beginning in Hardisty, Alberta, and extending south to Steele City, Neb. This pipeline is a critical infrastructure project for the energy security of the United States and for strengthening the American economy.
But environmental activists don’t agree. NRDC argues:
The Keystone XL pipeline would have transported toxic tar sands from under Canada’s Boreal forest 2,000 miles to the Gulf of Mexico to be refined and exported. Approving the pipeline would bring increased production of one of the dirtiest, most polluting forms of oil over the coming decades. Tar sands oil is not only difficult, costly and energy-intensive to produce but also dirtier and more corrosive than conventional oil. Leaks and spills threaten rivers, aquifers and communities all along the route.
Traditional environmental groups like NRDC have recently been joined by Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) in advocating against the pipeline, including executives at Apple, Google, Facebook, and Oracle as signatories. Top advisers and donors to President Obama have also come out against the pipeline, for which he must sign a presidential permit.
Check out MSNBC’s timeline of the pipeline proposal, which began in 2008, and make your voice heard. Should Obama sign the permit?
Take Action
Take Action! NOW by signing one of the petitions below to President Obama, and let us know your thoughts on Facebook or in the comments below!