Pace Votes 2012! Don’t forget to register to vote!
Did you know that as a student you have the right to vote near campus if you live at Pace? Register to vote with the Center for Community Action and Research in NYC and PLV! Here are next weeks locations…
Apply to be a Generation Citizen Democracy Coach!
As a Democracy Coach you will teach civic engagement in a middle or high school classroom and lead your students to make change in their communities. LEARN MORE & APPLY ONLINE APPLICATION DEADLINE Sunday, September 16th Questions?
Volunteer or Intern at Left Forum
With an office located at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, Left Forum is the largest annual progressive conference in the country. Each spring thousands of conference participants come together to discuss pressing local, national and…
Corporations are not People
A TALK BY JEFF CLEMENT Tuesday, September 11th 2:30-4:00 pm Student Union, Pace Univeristy Former Assistant Attorney General of Massachusetts, Jeff Clements is President and co-founder of Free Speech for People, a national, non-partisan campaign to challenge the creation…