Jefferson Awards

Did you know that Pace University  awards the nation’s “Nobel Prize for community service” each year?  Faculty, staff, and students can nominate either themselves or another member of the Pace community for this  prestigious local and national recognition system honoring community and public service in America.  For the 2011-2012 academic year, six awards were made.

This year’s awardees are: Alyssa Feldman (Student-NYC Campus), Alisha Hayes (Student-PLV Campus), Surendra Kaushik (Faculty-NYC Campus), Richard Kline (Faculty-NYC Campus), Ellen Mandel (Faculty-PLV Campus), and Diana Martinez (Staff-NYC Campus) 

Additionally, Ellen Mandel, PhD, was selected to represent Pace at the Jefferson Awards National Ceremonies in Washington DC and compete for a Gold Medal Award. The selection of the Gold Medal awardee is made at the national level by the Jefferson Awards Board of Selectors.

For more information on this year’s Pace winners:

For information on the Jefferson Award application process at Pace: Jefferson Awards at Pace University


Posted by Heather Novak