Left Forum is Requesting Volunteers for the Summer!

Left Forum is requesting volunteers who have an interest and/or experience in digital media:

As a result of the largest most dynamically active conference they have tremendous video footage of events, panels, workshops and speeches. They are looking for digital-video editors/story tellers to help creatively transform the raw materials into clips, series and the like. Volunteers work will help enhance all manner of online communications and networking, which in turn will help develop the quality of conference organizing for panelists and organizers alike. Volunteers, organizers and interns will have the opportunity moreover to work in their office at the CUNY Graduate Center, where they will be able interact with scholars and people who are involved with grassroots social justice movements.

Those who would like to gain experience and enjoy helping with this summer effort should contact the Left Forum immediately!

More details for the volunteer positions can be found on the links below:
If you have any other questions, please contact SETH ADLER (Conference Coordinator) @ 212-817-2003 or seth@leftforum.org