Debating for Democracy (D4D): Deadline February 1, 2012

Are you a student who is passionate about a current public policy issue and want to do something about it?  Could you use $3000 to help impact that issue?  Project Pericles invites Pace students to participate in a national letter writing competition where the top prizes are funding for your cause.   Students are asked to research, develop, and advocate their opinions and positions on a current public policy issue and draft a letter to their elected official.   The best letters (based on quality of research, analysis, and presentation) will compete both campus-wide and nation-wide for a chance to attend the 2013 Debating for Democracy (D4D) National Conference at The New School in NYC on March 21 and 22 and to compete for the national prize.

Project Pericles Inc. will provide a $3,000 award to the students at the college that submits the best letter to an elected official as determined by a panel of former elected officials during the legislative hearing. The four semi-finalist teams will each received a $500 award. The deadline to submit your letter is February 1, 2013

The conference will consist of workshops, keynote addresses, and panel discussions that will introduce students to experts from the world of civic engagement, education, environment, politics, public policy, and social entrepreneurship. For more information, see the attached guidelines (updated).

If you are interested in knowing more, please contact Heather Novak at, 914-773-3464 or Daniel Botting at, 212-346-1791.