
By Caitlin Boley, Student Outreach & New Media Projects Coordinator

We hope you had a great break and are getting ready for finals, which are swiftly approaching. As you know, we at the CCAR are committed to providing you with opportunities to take action on timely and important issues. In pursuit of this end, we would like to announce a campus-wide photo take action drive!


The Action

The idea is simple: you take photos around the city or on campus of two things: nature and greenery that you are particularly inspired by, and/or areas that are anticipated to be underwater within the next 50-100 years due to climate change. We will post the photos around campus and, at the end of the year, send them to our government representatives, along with a student-drafted letter demanding they make climate change policy a top priority. The purpose is to provide legislators with a visual representation of what WE find important, because this is what THEY should also find important! Students, staff, and faculty on all Pace campuses are welcome to participate.

How to Participate

You can send us your photos in a number of ways:

  • Email them to us at ccarny@pace.edu
  • Tweet them to us or post them on Instagram, tagging us at @CCARNYC. Be sure to use the hashtags #everydayactivism and #paceupictureyourworld.
  • Use an instant or film camera to take photos and bring them to our office in room Y31.

We’re so excited about launching this collaborative art project and hope that you will be a part of it! If you have any questions, please email us at ccarny@pace.edu or give us a call at 212-346-1807.