Alternative Spring Break: Day 3 – Michelle

Day 1 and 2 of ASB was cool getting to know everyone. It was awesome to talk to everyone and really get to know each and every person and why they went on this trip. Personally I went on this trip to try and make a difference in someone’s life and also to use it as an experience to help me further my studies. Also I was glad to come and help and make something of my break instead of just sitting at home. I’m glad I put my time into good use and to really help these poor people on Staten Island. It was great getting to meet some of the other organizations and families who have been devastated by this terrible disaster! I loved communicating with everyone from ASB and working on reconstructing the houses as well as getting to know our team leaders.

All Hands non profit organization is a really great resource to all people of a natural disaster and really seem to be extremely efficient and such a nice group. They really got us excited to work and were always helpful. I think it’s a great idea that they come and help so many people and places that suffer natural disasters and are always there to offer a helping hand. Homeowners never really know when there going to encounter situations like these but it’s great to know we have awesome people who are always ready to help! Also I love how us as Americans or even foreigners are able to interact with each other and try to be of some help with each other especially when it comes down to tragic times like these where you just have to start all over again. Rebuilding is not easy especially when all one can do is pick up the pieces from where they ended and just keep striving towards greatness.

Day 3 was a lighter day but at times boring. All we basically did today was vacuum mold from a house. It was pretty tedious but still glad I got to help. It was gross to see how much mold accumulates inside houses especially when wet. It was definitely a learning experience still to learn the effects of water damage and what it does to a house. Our house was still trying to pump water out from the basement which had about 10ft of water. The houses we worked on today were minor damage compared to some of the other ones we’ve seen.